How to get from Naples to Sorrento and from Sorrento to Naples? The Circumvesuviana train is the preferred solution for many locals and occasional travellers.
Circumvesuviana is the ideal way to get from Naples to the Sorrento peninsula if you don’t have a car. The Circumvesuviana railway lines lead from Naples to other nearby municipalities to be explored. In addition to Pompeii and Herculaneum, Portici also has many monumental and scenic attractions. Furthermore, the Vesuviana connects Naples with other very popular municipalities. Among these is undoubtedly Sorrento, a destination that has always attracted many travelers from all over the world. While many previously went directly to Sorrento, today the peninsula is also a destination for day trips. For this reason, it is useful to know the Circumvesuviana timetables in advance.
We suggest looking for further confirmation of the timetables on the official website of the EAV transport company.
Read more about Going from Naples to Sorrento
Circumvesuviana timetable from Naples to Sorrento
Here are the departure times of the Circumvesuviana from Naples (Porta Nolana station) to Sorrento, on the Naples – Pompeii – Sorrento line. The journey has a duration of approximately 1 hour and 10.
06:18, 06:48,
07:06, 07:30,
08:00, 08:18, 08:47,
09:06, 09:30, 09:54,
10:18am, 10:42am,
11:06, 11:35, 11:54,
12:18 pm, 12:42 pm,
1:06 pm, 1:36 pm, 1:54 pm,
2:18 pm, 2:42 pm,
3:12pm, 3:35pm, 3:54pm,
4:18 pm, 4:42 pm,
5:06pm, 5:36pm, 5:59pm,
6:18 pm, 6:34 pm, 6:48 pm,
7:06pm, 7:30pm, 7:54pm,
8:18 pm, 8:42 pm,
9:06, 9:30 pm.
Circumvesuviana timetable from Sorrento to Naples
From Sorrento, it is possible to take the Circumvesuviana train to Naples. The following timetables are those of the Sorrento – Pompeii – Naples line. The duration of the journey is approximately one hour and ten.
6:00, 6:24, 6:48, 7:12, 7:36,
8:00, 8:24, 8:48,
9:12, 9:36,
10:00, 10:24, 10:48,
11:12, 11:36,
12:00, 12:24, 12:48,
1:12 pm, 1:36 pm,
2:00 pm, 2:24 pm, 2:48 pm,
3:12pm, 3:36pm,
4:00 pm, 4:24 pm, 4:48 pm,
5:12pm, 5:36pm,
6:00 pm, 6:24 pm, 6:48 pm,
7:12pm, 7:36pm,
8:00 pm, 8:24 pm, 8:48 pm,
9:12 PM, 9:36 PM.