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Updated! Facts about Napoli


Napoli is one of the cities whose information is spread-world. But, there are some things that only locals are posted about, such as the real tourism situation, and safety.

Before visiting a place, it is useful to know some information that you won’t find on media that have bigger news to take account of. That is why BookingNaples.com reports a collection of updated facts about Napoli, useful to know before coming to the city.


Facts about Napoli, updated to 2020

Tourism is not an issue anymore
During the latest years, tourism has boomed in the city. During the latest months, people are coming way less than in the past. That means that Neapolitan is prepared enough to welcome people from all over the world, and they are not suffering problems due to the high number of tourists that crowded the city.


Culture in layers
What is fascinating about this city is that it seems to be made in layers. Each one corresponds to one of the cultures of the People that colonized the city and left a sign – Greeks, Romans, French and Spanish People.


Misery and splendor
…this may be a representative motto to describe Napoli. Some of the streets are narrow and stuck with garbage while other spots are the place to be to admire stunning landscapes. Every corner of Napoli hides a surprise, but some are most beautiful than others!


About being safe
As previously said, some places are dirtier while others are wonderful. The same is for safety: some places are to avoid – such as the main station area at night – while others are safer. Since there is no place in the world that is 100% safe, the advice is to always pay attention. Even if the city is safer than in the past!


Napoli and COVID-19
Even if Italy is still fighting against COVID-19, visiting Napoli is safe if you respect all the rules to prevent the spreading of the pandemic. Read more about COVID-19 measures in Napoli.


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